Stars have to be exact to work as a tattoo. Each line straight, each corner meeting perfectly. This is rarely the case, more often than not the star tattoos that are seen on the public are poorly done and lop sided. Often star designs that look nice at first upon closer inspection will actual be asymmetrical and off balance.
Cupcake and candy tattoos are a trend many a young lady of late have been following. Often a pink cupcake will be placed on the top of the foot in an attempt to look girlish. More often than not these simplistic tattoo designs, meant to cash in on a younger tattoo clientele, leave the wearing feeling flat.
Not so much ugly as utterly played out is the skull tattoo with a pink bow on the head.Again this is a design one will often find placed on the foot. At some point young ladies quit looking for cute tattoos and started seeking out tattoos similar to there male friends, this has led to females with skull tattoos and other unflattering images (B A).