the expected shift added a 13th Zodiac sign, Ophiuchus.
A Gemini friend wrote me in recent wonder … had her zodiac sign changed?

Ophiuchus - The 13th Zodiac Sign
Your Zodiac Sign May Have Changed – Realigned
There may be a 13th Zodiac sign called Ophiuchus.
Today is Friday the 13th!
As we study the zodiac signs, each group
The media reports on the 13th zodiac sign and
13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus
In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign:

Here are the Zodiac Signs depicted on these stamps issued by Ukraine in 2008
zodiac signs (Astrological dates), we now have the 13th
The 13th astrological sign has been added to the list of zodiac signs that
We at lucky 13 are really stoked to hear we now have 13 Zodiac Signs!
The latest epiphany for me is the 'lost' 13th sign of the Zodiac,
In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus.
Earth's shift adds a 13th Zodiac sign - OPHIUCHUS (THE SERPENT BEARER)
New Zodiac Signs 2011 Ophiuchus 13th Zodiac Sign Messes with Celeb Leos
The 13 constellations of the Zodiac, as defined by the International
Nostradmus worked with all 13 constellations when making astrological